
Its been almost more than a year that I wrote something. I can give a very high-handed excuse for it by saying I wasn’t inspired enough or that I had writer’s block etc. But I would be kidding myself if I believed this was actually true. The honest reason behind not continuing this blog was…

The idle mind

We have all heard the phrase an idle mind is a devil’s workshop but I dont think any of us actually believed it. I know I didn’t atleast, primarily because in the last 32 years I dont think I have had an idle mind for days at a stretch. Schooling led to college education which…

Many Reasons Why

So, for the last few weeks, a lot of posts were turning up on my facebook timeline about something called 13 Reasons Why. Either people were binge watching it, or commenting on it, or sharing news articles about it. Intrigued, I decided to find out more about this show and watched the promo of the…

A letter to my child

Dear Baby Today is Mother’s Day. A day universally dedicated to mothers everywhere. I have been on the Mothers Day Wish-giving end for the last 32 years, till this year where now suddenly I am on the wish-receiving end too. It feels surreal to say the least and it makes me wonder what Mothers Day…

Shame on us moms!

How many of you instantly cursed me when you read the title of my blog? How many beat me up in their mind? I know almost all the moms reading this right now have labelled me as the worst kind of human being possible. But wait! Dont reject me just yet! After 6 months of…

Caesarean drama.

The debate between normal delivery versus a caesarean delivery is as old as probably modern medicine. Our mothers and their mothers and the previous generation mothers have all had so-called “normal” or vaginal delivery. Hence when I was pregnant with my first child, my mother insisted on feeding me the right things, getting me to…

Look at me mommy! 

“Mommy mommy, look at me, look at me. Wake up, wake up Waaakkke up!!!” This is probably what my almost 6 month old daughter is trying to say at 6am in the morning when she kicks me and screams in my ear. What I hear is “Thun thun thun, mmmm mmmm mmm, grrr grrr grrr”…

Work-ing it out. 

I have been working since I can remember right out of college because I wanted to do all the things I could do as a young adult – party, club-hopping, drinking and basically enjoying the guilty pleasures of life, but not with my parents’ hard earned money. Since then I have been working non-stop for…

A friend too many

Is there something called a friend too many? I have often wondered about this but since we are all officially part of the Facebook generation we are always surrounded with “friends”.  As a teenager the more friends I had the more cool I was. So I had a core “best friends” group and then many…

Motherhood Warriors

Before I start this blog, I give fair warning that I am going to say a few things which you may cringe at, want to admonish me for, and pass judgement on. I wont blame you but I think once you have read the whole piece, you may be tempted to change your opinion of…

What’s in a name?

Have you ever wondered what your folks were thinking when they named you? I haven’t. I was named by my grandmother who in her own words was a fan of Jessica Lange – a veteran Hollywood actress. Et Voila! When I was born thats what I was named, Jessica. Now I know there isnt anything…

Confessions of a new mother

There was a time when I used to look at my friends who were new moms with wonder at all the hullabaloo they used to create over their little one smiling or waving their hands and legs without any coordination or chuckling or cooing etc. This was the time in my life when my work…